GI Cryo, Inc., a preclinical medical device development spin-off company from CPSI Biotech, will be presenting on the development and evaluation of the novel FrostBite™ endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) cryocatheter at the annual meeting for the American College of Gastroentrology (ACG2022) this October.
The abstract titled “Evaluation of a Novel EUS-Compatible Cryoablation Device for the In Situ Destruction of Pancreatic Cancer” was accepted for poster presentation and will discuss results of studies focused on FrostBite™ development including results from lab bench engineering, tissue model and pre-clinical testing.
FrostBite™, when used in conjunction with the patented PSN cryodevice, is designed to freeze (cryoablate) and destroy a targeted tissue in situ (in place within the body). FrostBite™ is designed to support the growing field of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) in which “scarless” abdominal operations can be performed with an endoscope wherein surgical tools, such as FrostBite™, can be introduced to target various tissues via the stomach wall, avoiding the need for invasive external surgical procedures.
Discussing the study, Dr. John M Baust (Study Lead; Founder, GI Cryo and President, CPSI Biotech) stated “Our team has been involvement in the field of cryoablation for years on both the cancer biology and device development fronts.
This has allowed us to integrate cancer biology and cryogenic engineering to develop a better suite of surgical tools to destroy cancer. In the area of GI cancers, cryoablation has been shown to be very effective; however, technological limitations have limited its use.
The FrostBite™ cryocatheter aims to overcome this, providing physicians an advanced tool to combat these pervasive and highly lethal diseases. The results to be presented at ASC2022 demonstrate the ability of FrostBite™ to effectively target and ablate unwanted tissues deep within the body using a minimally invasive endoscopic approach.”
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